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Article for Accountants

How can accountants recover debt from long term clients and keep their clients? For most, this statement is more a dream than any hope of reality. When a debt recovery lawyer such as myself suggests this to an accountant, the response is usually either abrupt or hysterical.
The good thing is […]

By |July 2nd, 2015|Acquisitions, Financial, Taxes|Comments Off on Article for Accountants

Proposed Changes to Bankruptcy Legislation – A change to promote innovation, or an invitation to corporate sharks?

The government has released some proposed changes to the insolvency legislation, primarily intended to allow some leeway in borderline insolvency cases. The legislation is looking at changes to the corporations law and the bankruptcy law, and the government is seeking submissions from industry in relation to the proposed changes.
The changes […]

By |June 17th, 2016|Financial, Governments, Taxes|Comments Off on Proposed Changes to Bankruptcy Legislation – A change to promote innovation, or an invitation to corporate sharks?

PPSR – For Creditors

The PPSR; A creditors newest ally?

The Personal Property Securities Register (the “PPSR”) has been hailed by some as the most fundamental change to credit in the last 150 years – not since 1958 has something this significant been introduced in Australia, that being the Torrens Title system of property registration. […]

By |July 2nd, 2015|Financial, International, Taxes|Comments Off on PPSR – For Creditors